[return to overview page]
The first features we are going to extract are very simple features which relate to the length of statements. These features are very easy to extract and may may provide some cue about the veracity of a statement. In order to avoid being found out, people may give shorter and less detailed responses when they are lying. DePaulo, Lindsay, Malone, Muhlenbruck, Charlton, & Cooper (2003) review evidence from 120 studies about 158 different cues to deception. They find some evidence that liars are less “forthcoming” than truth-tellers (Table 3, p. 91; reproduced below). For example, liars spend significantly less time talking than truth-tellers (d = -0.35). They also provide significantly fewer details when they respond (d = -0.30). Although, the authors find no significant differences between liars and truth-tellers and liars in response length per se. Nevertheless, because people seem to provide less information in various ways when lying than when telling the truth, it is worth trying to extract some proxy for this in our present dataset – which may be provided by various measures of statement length.
Again, I will start by loading relevant packages.
library(tidyverse) # cleaning and visualization
library(quanteda) # text analysis
Again, since this is a new analysis, I must load in the data that will be analyzed. This will be the cleaned tabular data structure I created just earlier in Feature Extraction (Overview).
# this loads: stats_clean (a data-frame of out cleaned statements)
I am now going to go through each of the statements and count the number of words in each statement.
I will begin with an example on a single sentence, just for illustration. The sentence I will use will be “Ithaca can get very cold in the winter”, a sentence with eight words. By applying the ntoken() function from the quanteda package, we can count the number of words in this sentence, as show below.
# Create sentence
example_sent <- c("Ithaca can get very cold in the winter.")
## [1] "Ithaca can get very cold in the winter."
# Extract number of words in sentence
n_words_example <-
ntoken(x = example_sent,
remove_punct = TRUE) # remove punctuation when counting words
# Print output
print(paste("# words in sentence = ",
sep = ""))
## [1] "# words in sentence = 8"
We will now simply apply this function to all of the 5004 statements in our dataset, and this will give us a count for the number of words in each statement!
# store results in new column in the stats_clean2 data frame
stats_clean$n_words <-
ntoken(x = stats_clean$statement,
remove_punct = TRUE)
Let’s take a look at what this gives us.
Across all our statements, here’s what the distribution of word lengths looks like. From examining this histogram, it looks like most sentences have about 40-100 words, but a few sentences have many more words. Thus distribution is definitely skewed. We will just note that for now. (We may later transform this data, to adjust that skew, when building various models.)
ggplot(data = stats_clean,
aes(x = n_words)) +
geom_histogram() +
labs(title = "Histogram of Word Counts Across Statements") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
A better way to visualize the nature of this skewed distribution might be with a plot of the Empirical Cumulative Distribution (ECD), which charts the values of a variable in sequential order on the x-axis, and charts the cumulative percentage of values which fall at or below that value on the y-axis. As we can see from this plot, more than 95% of statements are below 100 words. Most statments (i.e. the “middle” 90% of the statements, which I highlighted between the red lines) seem to be between about 35 and 100 words.
ggplot(data = stats_clean,
aes(x = n_words)) +
stat_ecdf(geom = "step") +
labs(y = "proportion of statements at or below this length",
title = "Empirical Cumulative Distribution of Word Counts") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(from = 0,
to = 1.0,
by = 0.1)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(from = 0,
to = 500,
by = 25)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0.05,
color = "red",
linetype = "dashed") +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0.95,
color = "red",
linetype = "dashed") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45))
In fact, we can compute the percentiles more exactly. Here are the number of words at the following percentiles: 1%, 5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%, 99%.
probs = c(0.01,
0.99))) %>%
rename_at(1, ~ "n_words")
So what are those really long statments? Let’s have a look. I am going to arrange the statements by number of words, starting with the longest ones first. From looking at this output, we can note two things. First, there are really just a handful of statements that are way outside of the norm. And second, the extraordinarily long responses seem to be genuine responses where the participant simply just wrote a lot.
stats_clean %>%
arrange(desc(n_words)) %>%
And how do the word counts vary by the specific question participants are responding to? Let’s examine that here. (I am going to filter out the handful or responses that are extremely long, above 150 words, so that the x-axis of the distributions aren’t so long that the distributions can’t really be compared visually.) In the histograms below, we see that there aren’t any gargantuan differences in the word count distributions between questions.
stats_clean %>%
filter(n_words < 150) %>%
mutate(q_num = factor(q_num,
labels = c("Q1 (Meeting)",
"Q2 (Regret) ",
"Q3 (Yesterday)",
"Q4 (Liking)",
"Q5 (Strength)",
"Q6 (Hobby)"))) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = n_words)) +
geom_histogram() +
labs(title = "Histogram of Word Counts By Question") +
facet_wrap( ~ q_num,
ncol = 1) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
I am also going to compute two other basic count metrics. One is the number of unique words in each statement (i.e. the sentence “This sentence has many, many many redundant words.” has 8 words, and 6 unique words). And the second is a metric derived from this which is the proportion of unique words in each statement (i.e. number of unique words / total number of words).
Again, here is an example for illustrative purposes.
# Create sentence
example_sent2 <- c("This sentence has many, many many redundant words")
## [1] "This sentence has many, many many redundant words"
# ntype() is also from the quanteda package and counts unique tokens
n_unique_example <-
ntype(x = example_sent2,
remove_punct = TRUE) # remove punctuation again
# Print output
print(paste("# unique words in sentence = ",
sep = ""))
## [1] "# unique words in sentence = 6"
And now let’s apply this to all 5004 statements (that is, extract both the number of unique words for each statement, and the proportion of unique words in each statement).
# count unique words in each statement
stats_clean$n_unique <-
remove_punct = TRUE)
# calculate proportion of unique words in each statment
stats_clean <-
stats_clean %>%
mutate(n_uniq_prop = n_unique / n_words)
# display result
stats_clean %>%
Again, we can now save the cleaned output (as an R data object), for future import and use in subsequent analyses.
# create object just with stat_id and newly created length variables
stats_length <-
stats_clean %>%
# save that object
file = "stats_length.Rda")
# now remove stats_clean from global environment (to avoid later confusion)